
The WBO Italcables company conforms to the requirements of the current regulation for the Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015)
as per certificate n. 187058-2015-AQ-ITA-ACCREDIA.

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Registered office:
Viale A. Gramsci, 13 - 80122 Napoli

Administrative Office and Factory:
Zona Industriale A.S.I. - S.S. 87 - Km 16460

Municipality Pascarola - 80023 CAIVANO (NA) - Italy

Fiscal Code and VAT Number 08066091219
C.C.I.A Napoli n. 930441 R.E.A.
Albo Soc. Coop. n. C109265

+39 081 88 94 111/249

+39 081 83 49 333

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The WBO ITALCABLES Società Cooperativa, Cooperative Society, with its registered office located in Viale Gramsci n. 13 in Naples, was founded in April 2015 by 51 partners who are former exployees of Italcables S.p.a., with the objective of recovering the industrial factory previously owned by Italcables S.p.a and under liquidation through a Worker Buyout project. The facility in question is located in Caivano, "zona ASI" of Pascarola, over an area of around 75.000 sqm, of which 25000 sqm are reserved to the factory itself and the offices.

The factory in Caivano, created between the end of the 70's and the beginning of the 80's by Redaelli Tecna, which owned the facility until June 2008, is specialized in producing steel for prestressed concrete and lifting.

Radaelli first and Italcables later on have varied and extended the productive range and over the years have become leaders not just in Italy but also abroad, with regards to the production of wires and strands for prestressed reinforced concrete that would serve for large-scale prefabricated elements and structures, such as viaducts, bridges, dams, galleries, LNG terminals, railway sleepers and ground anchors.

Equipped with the best technologies and systems, the factory boasts a production capacity of over 60.000 tons per year. High quality products and processes, the utmost efficiency, together with an expert and competent staff, an effective approach to commercial planning and a long-standing expertise, allow WBO Italcables to offer products and services that stand out for their value and that can readily accommodate all the different needs of its customers.


Registered office

Viale A. Gramsci, 13 - 80122 Napoli
Fiscal Code and VAT Number 08066091219
C.C.I.A Napoli n. 930441 R.E.A.
Albo Soc. Coop. n. C109265

The factory

Zona Industriale A.S.I. - S.S. 87 - Km 16460
Municipality Pascarola - 80023 CAIVANO (NA) - Italy


+39 081 88 94 111/249

+39 081 83 49 333

  WBO Italcables